Saturday, April 13, 2013

Updated Storyboard for video assignment

Frame 1
Video a computer lab with children. 
As educators, we are always looking for ways to bring technology into the classroom.  We ask ourselves, how can our children get more out of this technology?  How can students still be part of a community while working on individual computers?  What skills can we help develop in our students when they are using technology?
Frame 2:
Leroy  MadPea Productions Office
Today we are going to take an adventure to learn how virtual worlds may help educators to overcome some of the challenges created by the burgeoning technology of today.
What is a virtual world?  According to Dass, Dabbagh, and Clark (2011), “a virtual world is online, persistent,  interactive environment by many users simultaneously” (p. 96)
The growth of Virtual worlds:    The continuing growth of processing power of PCs, increased bandwidth in residential communication, widespread use of internet has allowed virtual worlds to move from the “trough of dislliusinoment” to the “slope of enlightenment” (Wasko et. al, 2011, p. 645) (Marcelino et. al, 2013).  This growth in technology has permitted people from all over the world to come together and collaborate (2013)
Frame 4: Video different classrooms settings
As educators, we know the traditional classroom setting has many benefits.  Teachers can give direct instruction to every student.  Teachers can have groups of students work together on problems.  Teachers can give individualized attention to students when needed.  Even with all we do as teachers, it may not be enough to prepare our students for an unpredictable and uncertain future (McGuigan et. al, 2012). 
Virtual worlds may provide a component to education that would help teachers narrow the gap between the school setting and the real world. 
Frame 5:
John Dewey in 1902.jpgDewey
Lev Vygotsky.jpgVygotsky
The instructional approach best related to virtual worlds is constructivism (Dass et. al, 2011). 
Constructivism theorists believe that learning is an active process where the learner constructs knowledge rather than acquiring it (2011).  The works of many of these theorists believe that reflection is an important part of the learning process (Dickey, 2011). 
Frame 6: Pictures of virtual world; clip of someone using a virtual world
snapshot_001BLADERUNNER CITY 2
Virtual worlds can provide a “safe” place for students to take risks.  There are no material costs.  Time does not become a problem (Dass et. al, 2011).  
Learners in virtual worlds are not passive but are very active participates (Uzun & Aydin, 2012).  The avatar in the environment allows students to have “sense of presence and awareness of others, the ability to communicate and collaborate” (Dass et. al, 2011). 
Not only can students enter an already created world, but they also can create.
Virtual worlds can provide a “richer, more immersive experience” (Wasko et al., 2011, p. 648).  Many users have stated that they lose track of time because of being so focused on the task at hand (2011).
Frame: 7
Scott Merrick picture
We are entering into an age where generations of people will have grown up never knowing a life without a computer, the internet, a mobile phone, or virtual worlds (Wasko et. al, 2011).  As educators, we need new methods that will reach them (Marcelion et. al, 2013).  Ask yourself, can virtual worlds help you create a learning environment that will prepare our students for their future?
In association with Sigve Virtual Environments, we welcome Scott Merrick. 
Frame: 8 Resources

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